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Upload some suggestions, I have my thought but I want to hear yours (this is most specifically for preteen-adult females) (please add reason why you suggest said thing)
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Pads/Tampons, you never know when your menstrual is going to start.
Hygiene products (Pads, tampons, menstrual cups, whichever you use), Painkillers and dark chocolate (for cramps or if you just want chocolate), Cash, Hair ties, A burner phone/wallet (If you live in a place with a lot of crime), and a self protection tool (IF and ONLY if you feel threatened).
period products (you never know), chocolate and painkillers for cramps, makeup for touch ups if you wear it, deodorant, hand sanitizer, extra face mask, lip balm, mini tool kit if you think you'll need it, emergency cash if in an area where it's needed
adding more of my reasoning here. deodorant and lip balm - you may need to reapply throughout the day depending on the weather and what you're doing. hand sanitizer and face mask - just to stay safe and prevent spreading or getting covid. mini tool kit - to fix anything that comes up for your safety. emergency cash - for getting mugged etc
Hair ties, decoy wallet, real wallet, health products, deodorant, portable phone charger, something for your defense and something else I'm probably forgetting
Paracetamol or any type of painkiller (especially if you get bad cramps) hair bobbles, oads/ tampons, a small hairbrush, something sugary, (a chocolate bar, small bag of haribo) a charger, tissues/ wipes, hand cream/moisturiser, extra cash (enough for a bus ticket or taxi and a bottle of water is probably good). A long list but you can pick and choose depending on your needs. I bring most of these especially something sugary because my blood sugar is dodgy. Extra cash as well, its always useful to have enough money to get you easy access to things that might be necessary if the situation demands it.
I have a makeup pouch that I take with me everywhere. Inside are tissues, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, band aids, hair ties, pads, lip balm, pain killer. Band aids just in case I get a cut or a scrape. You never know. I would also recommend keeping emergency cash at all times. For reasons such as emergency cab/subway/bus fares or, as my FIL who lived through 1970s NYC said, in case you get mugged, give them the cash first.
Tums, or any brand of those calcium, heartburn, gas tablets. A lighter. A mini tool kit.
Feminine products, painkillers, mini toothbrush and toothpaste, comb/hairbrush, mace or pepper spray, extra house key, and a credit card with little or no balance on it, cell phone, cell charger, emergency contacts info
pads/tampons, portable baby wipes, bandages, ibuprofen, headphones, matches, deodorant, lip balm,LifeStraw Go Water Filter Bottles with 2-Stage Integrated Filter Straw for Hiking, Backpacking, and Travel, 1L; Clear 1L hairbands, comb, ASPIRIN, protein bar
An address book. No, seriously. We’re all spoiled by speed dial. Would you really know everyone’s phone number or be able to recall in a crisis or emergency situation? I didn’t think so.
Feminine products, 1 or 2 doses of any medication, emergency contact information, bottled water, shelf stable food (granola bars etc), Tylenol, 1st aid kit, toiletries, change of clothes and shoes, emergency cash, matches/lighter, phone charger and extra battery, and some kind of tool kit.I carry a Leatherman multi tool
Dark Chocolate, it tastes good (personal opinion) and it helps with menstrual cramps.
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Not a woman, but can I add? A couple of days worth of any prescription medication you might need, plus anything you need over the counter sometimes like allergy meds, painkillers and such. This is something I've learned to do the hard way
Thanks for your advice and I like that there are guys like you who are trying to help people through a "woman's" post!
1. Phone 2. Tampons and/or pads 3. Pepper spray 4. A few dollars in cash 5. Pen (never know when you’ll need it) 6. Tylenol 7. Hair ties or scrunchies
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Diana works as a Community Manager for Bored Panda. After acquiring a BA in Business with Marketing Management, she decided that she wanted to do something far more creative than her usual marketing business that mostly included researching companies' competitors or working on swot/pestle analysis every single day. Excel spreadsheets weren't her thing either, so she decided creative storytelling was the way to go. Other than that, outside of work, you can find her making barista-style coffee or hand-stretched pizzas, sometimes even drawing and playing video games with friends.
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