Karen Wearden, an Edward Jones financial advisor in Lewes, is supporting the GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club project to collect school supplies for What is Your Voice by using her office as a drop-off location for donated items.
Donations may be dropped off during regular business hours through Friday, July 29, at the Edward Jones branch office near PNC Bank at 17723 Coastal Highway, Unit 4, Lewes.
Items requested include Crayola colored pencils, markers and crayons; Bic or Papermate brand pens; Sharpie highlighters, four-piece packs, yellow and multicolor; loose-leaf college-ruled paper; spiral notebooks; composition books; children’s and adults’ scissors; Elmer’s glue sticks; Avery binders and binder dividers; pencil pouches; backpacks sized for high school, elementary and middle school girls and boys; personal hand sanitizer; and tissue boxes.
What is Your Voice is a nonprofit corporation that provides holistic crisis care and intensive aftercare for women and children in Sussex County who are survivors of domestic violence.
Edward Jones and its associates cannot accept monetary donations of any kind.
Wearden and club members share the goal to help set up these children for a successful school year by providing all needed supplies for the first day of school.
To learn more, go to whatisyourvoice.com and gfwcZwaanendael.org.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.