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Have you ever considered using your partner’s skincare or makeup? You’re not alone, the men’s beauty space is bleak and we’re on the hunt to change it. Welcome to the land of men's skincare and cosmetics with Stryx.
They’re all about making simple tools to clear up imperfections instantly. So you can always feel confident in your own skin. In 2022, Stryx had the opportunity to pitch their skincare line to the sharks - yes you read that right, they appeared on Shark Tank and secured a deal with Robert Herjavec. Robert saw their vision of thoughtfully designed products for ultimate form and function.
Stryx products are created to blend in perfectly with your own skin, you wouldn’t even know they’re there. It’s time men stop neglecting their skin and start caring for it. Try the first company ever to conceive, from start to finish, what cosmetic and skincare products would be - if they were made for men.
Get handsome today, all products sold at The Fascination for under $50!
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