IEBEM paid millions more for face masks and antibacterial gel - El Sol de Cuernavaca |Local News, Police, about Mexico, Morelos and the World

2022-07-30 00:25:58 By : Ms. Linda xue

/ Wednesday, July 27, 2022Katy Cardenas |The Sun of CuernavacaThe Institute of Basic Education of the State of Morelos (IEBEM) would have acquired face masks and antibacterial gel at prices above those reported in the market, denounced the organization Morelos Rinde Cuentas, from where a contract is exposed in which the company that was chosen through "contest" he undertakes to deliver what is requested by the dependency.“...consists of the purchase by 'the IEBEM' and the delivery by 'The Supplier', of 200,000 pieces of mouth covers for general use, non-hospital, pleated, made of non-woven fabric, resistant to fluid, with bands or elastic adjustment to the head, disposable…(sic)”, it reads.The unit cost of the face masks was nine pesos and a total of 2 million 88 thousand pesos was paid.“In 2020 the @IEBEM acquired 200,000 pleated cloth face masks at a cost of $10.74 each, a cost well above the market.A total of 2 million pesos (sic)”, reads a message uploaded by the organization to its official accounts.It also exposes an invoice issued by the business Concept, whose legal entity is Manuel Zavala Terán, for the amount of 2.2 million pesos, already with tax, for the acquisition of "antibacterial hand gel with 70% alcohol in a 500-milliliter presentation ”.This material was destined for the central offices of the IEBEM located in Nueva China street, Lomás de Cortés neighborhood, from where the request for the product was issued by the person in charge of dispatching the Acquisitions Directorate.“In 2020 the @IEBEM acquired 24,000 half-liter pieces of antibacterial gel at $91.70 each, a cost above the market.2.2 million pesos.The acquisition was for its central offices (sic)”, denounced Morelos Rinde Cuentas.In 2021, the director of the IEBEM, Eliacin Salgado de la Paz, delivered packages of sanitary supplies before the start of the modality last August, the "kit" included antibacterial gel, brooms, mops, buckets and liquid for disinfecting floors and bathrooms.➡️ Receive the best weekly information through the NewsletterJoin our YouTube channel➡️ Do you already receive the news on WhatsApp?IT'S FREE!➡️ Check out the topics of the WEEKLY print edition!The Institute of Basic Education of the State of Morelos (IEBEM) would have acquired face masks and antibacterial gel at prices above those reported in the market, denounced the organization Morelos Rinde Cuentas, from where a contract is exposed in which the company that was chosen through "contest" he undertakes to deliver what is requested by the dependency.“...consists of the purchase by 'the IEBEM' and the delivery by 'The Supplier', of 200,000 pieces of mouth covers for general use, non-hospital, pleated, made of non-woven fabric, resistant to fluid, with bands or elastic adjustment to the head, disposable…(sic)”, it reads.The unit cost of the face masks was nine pesos and a total of 2 million 88 thousand pesos was paid.“In 2020 the @IEBEM acquired 200,000 pleated cloth face masks at a cost of $10.74 each, a cost well above the market.A total of 2 million pesos (sic)”, reads a message uploaded by the organization to its official accounts.It also exposes an invoice issued by the business Concept, whose legal entity is Manuel Zavala Terán, for the amount of 2.2 million pesos, already with tax, for the acquisition of "antibacterial hand gel with 70% alcohol in a 500-milliliter presentation ”.This material was destined for the central offices of the IEBEM located in Nueva China street, Lomás de Cortés neighborhood, from where the request for the product was issued by the person in charge of dispatching the Acquisitions Directorate.“In 2020 the @IEBEM acquired 24,000 half-liter pieces of antibacterial gel at $91.70 each, a cost above the market.2.2 million pesos.The acquisition was for its central offices (sic)”, denounced Morelos Rinde Cuentas.In 2021, the director of the IEBEM, Eliacin Salgado de la Paz, delivered packages of sanitary supplies before the start of the modality last August, the "kit" included antibacterial gel, brooms, mops, buckets and liquid for disinfecting floors and bathrooms.➡️ Receive the best weekly information through the NewsletterJoin our YouTube channel➡️ Do you already receive the news on WhatsApp?IT'S FREE!➡️ Check out the topics of the WEEKLY print edition!The head of Foreign Relations pointed out that the US must control the sale and trafficking of weapons before Ken Salazar's requests to end insecurity in MexicoThe ambassador acknowledged that as long as the crime rate does not go down, the increase in US tourism will be very difficult, so work must be done on the issueIt is estimated that as of this first of August, 10,000 vaccines could begin to be applied to the target populationThe NFTs on the shirts feature an exclusive design for the metaverse, each one is uniqueThe talented mermaid from Morelos will participate in the Junior Open Water World Championship to be held in SeychellesState and national committees point out that he remains vigilant and will not let anyone impose himself or buy his place within the party.Authorities recognize that hand hygiene, the correct use of face masks and a healthy distance are the main measures to prevent the spread of the disease.Get to know the various places in beautiful Cholula for all tastes and pricesThe mayor recognized that they have worked with the Association of Spanish Schools and last month they welcomed just over 100 students from other countries