Undip KKN Students Utilize Spirulina in Hand Sanitizer Gel, Here's the Prospect - Kompasiana.com

2022-08-13 02:33:05 By : Mr. Hongbin Ni

I am a student of Diponegoro University majoring in Marine Science, I dedicate myself to science especially in my field of expertise which is currently still being studiedRegol, Bandung (5/8) - Team II KKN Universitas Diponegoro 2022, Pasirluyu Village held a Community Service Program with the theme of community development based on sustainable development (SDGs).This work program was carried out in the form of socialization activities and demonstrations of making hand sanitizer gel made from spirulina, which was attended by the staff of the Pasirluyu Village, the Posyandu Cadre of the Pasirluyu Village and all the heads of the Pasirluyu RW and their representatives.The Covid-19 pandemic forces us to adapt to new habits or what is called the new normal, where we are required to implement 3M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.Washing hands is sometimes an obstacle in the implementation of this new normal, this is because not everywhere we can get clean water and soap.One of the solutions to this problem is the use of hand sanitizers.However, repeated purchases of hand sanitizers can be enough to make our wallets run low and sometimes the application of alcohol-based hand sanitizers if used too often can cause dry skin.Therefore, producing hand sanitizers added with spirulina is able to overcome the shortcomings of hand sanitizers in general.This is because spirulina is a green algae that lives in marine waters that have high antioxidants.Where these antioxidants have the ability to moisturize the skin.So that hand sanitizer containing spirulina will not cause dry skin.hand-sanit-62f4caf63555e439210d2e23.jpeg The composition of hand sanitizer gel in 1 liter packaging according to WHO only requires 833 ml of ethanol (96%), 112 ml of Carbopem, 41 ml of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and 14 ml of glycerol (glycerin).These four ingredients are the main ingredients in making hand sanitizer.After the basic ingredients of hand sanitizer have been formed, we can add spirulina powder to the mixture and add fragrance according to our wishes.don't worry because in making 1 liter of hand sanitizer it only requires a capital of Rp.32,000, while in the market the price of a 1 liter pack of hand sanitizer is sold at Rp.70,000 - 130,000.This shows that hand sanitizer has a high value because it is needed by many people, so this product has promising and long-term business prospects.sanit-2-62f4cb3308a8b5391636e678.jpeg This hand sanitizer gel production program was held in the office hall of Pasirluyu Village which was attended by 17 participants consisting of representatives from each RW of Pasirluyu Village and Posyandu cadres of Pasirluyu Village.Many of the participants were not familiar with the process of making hand sanitizers and also how much the production cost for making hand sanitizers, so this program was followed quite enthusiastically.After the program is implemented, it is hoped that the participants will broaden their horizons and apply their insights to create new jobs or as additional income.Author: Aditya Dwiputra Wirayudha (FPIK)KKN Assistant Lecturer : Setya Budi Muhammad Abduh, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D