Numerous drop-off locations for supplies and donations
POLK COUNTY– In preparation for the upcoming school year, Polk County Sheriff’s Office’s school resource deputies and Columbus First Baptist Church are partnering to host the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Back To School Supply Drive. The PCSO and Church are asking for the community’s support to make sure that Polk County school children have all they need for a successful year of learning. The first day for most students in Polk County will be August 29.
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Numerous drop-off locations will be accepting school supply donations. Supplies needed include pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks, composition notebooks, notebook paper, scissors, markers, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and tissues.
These donations can be dropped off at any Polk County Dollar General, Columbus Family Dollar, Columbus CVS, or the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. Monetary donations will also be accepted and appreciated.
On August 20, the supplies will be distributed to children of the community at the Back to School Bash held at Polk County Middle School from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. In addition to the free school supplies, PCSO and Columbus First Baptist will be providing free haircuts, games, and a lot of fun.
For more information contact Polk County Sheriff’s Office at (828) 894-3001.
How do you feel about the proposed conversion of the unused local rails to the Saluda Grade Trail?