Woman Slammed for Giving Away Girlfriend's Makeup: 'She Was Fuming'

2022-07-30 00:25:41 By : Ms. Sherry Li

Thousands of internet commenters were quick to call out one 22-year-old who gave away one of her girlfriend's limited edition eyeshadow palettes without so much as a second thought.

In a viral Reddit post published on r/AmITheA**hole, Redditor u/Cool-Contract9660 (otherwise referred to as the original poster, or OP) described her partner's affinity for makeup and recounted the series of events that landed her on the receiving end of the silent treatment for the last week.

Titled, "[Am I the a**hole] for giving my girlfriend's makeup to my best friend's girlfriend?" the post has received nearly 7,500 upvotes and 3,000 comments in the last day.

"[My girlfriend] is very into makeup, like REALLY," OP began. "Her makeup collection at this point is probably worth around [$]10K."

Continuing to explain that she recently hosted a gathering with her childhood best friend and his girlfriend "Katy," the original poster said that after a few drinks, her girlfriend's makeup collection was cracked open.

"After a couple of drinks, Katy asked to use the bathroom," OP wrote. "When she came out...she was holding one of my girlfriend's eyeshadow palettes...and was raving about how long she had wanted it."

"Without thinking I said she could take it considering [my girlfriend] has an extensive collection and probably wouldn't miss it," OP continued. "[My girlfriend] didn't say anything but I could tell by her look that she was fuming."

Following the gathering, the original poster said her suspicions were confirmed when her girlfriend confronted her about the gifted makeup and informed her that it was a limited edition palette and not easily replaceable.

"I told her if it was that big of a deal I could buy her a new one," OP wrote. "She said...that couldn't happen and demanded I ask for it back."

"I said no because to ask for the item back is weird and that I'd buy her a similar one," OP continued. "This happened Saturday...and she still won't let it go. She's barely spoken to me since and is very sulky."

The cheapest eyeshadow palette on makeup retailer Sephora's website is $4. The most expensive is $129.

At Ulta, the cheapest palette is $3. The most expensive is $99.

And earlier this year, fashion website Chic Pursuit reported that the most expensive palette on the market is celebrity makeup artist Natasha Demona's Eyeshadow Palette, which retails at a whopping $225.

No matter the cost of the palette OP gifted to her best friend's girlfriend, however, the issue is not simply a matter of expense. If it was, OP's offer to purchase a replacement palette should have smoothed things over.

Instead, it is a matter of principle, and the original poster's ill-advised decision to give away makeup without consulting its owner beforehand.

Throughout the comment section of the viral Reddit post, Redditors echoed this sentiment, slamming the original poster for her careless mistake and demanding that she oblige her girlfriend's request to ask for the eyeshadow palette back, no matter the social implications.

[You're the a**hole]," Redditor u/Dry_Distribution_964 wrote in the post's top comment, which has received nearly 18,000 upvotes. "Imagine if your [girlfriend] gave away one of your things that was a limited edition without a thought for you!"

"It doesn't matter how much makeup she has, this is something she is passionate about and buys herself," they continued. "What gave you the right to give it away?...You need to apologize and get it back."

Redditor u/MerlinBiggs, whose comment has received more than 6,000 upvotes, offered a similar response.

"Her stuff isn't [yours] to give away," they asserted. "As she has so much it's obviously something that's important to her...you gave away something irreplaceable. Go ask for it back."

"[You're the a**hole]," Redditor u/mongoIz777 chimed in, receiving more than 3,000 upvotes. "The palette wasn't yours to offer."

In an update to the viral post, the original poster admitted to making a major mistake and assured commenters that she plans to heed their advice.

"I admit that I definitely f**ked up," OP wrote. "I will be asking for it back."

Newsweek reached out to u/Cool-Contract9660 for comment.

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